Elden Ring's latest patch v1.03 has really quietly introduced and fixed several rather key features. The first, and maybe most surprising, is a list of new material added to the game. Like the ability to record the name and position of an NPC directly into the map, addressing one of the game's main annoyances, which previously kept no record of your meetings with NPCs ,particularly quest-giving NPCs.
The update also features a new NPC ,"Jar-Bairn", and many summonable NPCs in a variety of settings, and also new quest stages for mission involving Diallos, Nepheli Loux, Kenneth Haight, and Gatekeeper Gostoc.
There's also new background music for parts of the open world, a slew of bug patches, and a slew of balancing tweaks, which may be of special interest if you enjoy speedrunning the game. You may see the whole list of additions and updates here through Bandai Namco's official site..