Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday said, "individuals of Ukraine and the public authority of Ukraine need harmony."
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday declared a 'military activity' in Ukraine, expressing any unfamiliar obstruction would prompt "outcomes they have never seen." Reacting to the turn of events, Ukraine's Foreign Minister considered it a "full-scale intrusion" and a "battle of animosity" and said that the nation will "guard itself and win". Military regulation has been proclaimed in Ukraine, news office AP announced, as Russia sent off military strikes in the area.
US President Joe Biden, in the interim, has upbraided the move considering it an "ridiculous and outlandish" assault. He is relied upon to report further endorses against Russia alongside the G7 pioneers and partners on Thursday.
The UN boss on Thursday argued, "President Putin, for the sake of humankind, take your soldiers back to Russia." In a crisis meeting of the UN Security Council, assembled in a matter of seconds before Putin's declaration, India called for guaranteed de-heightening expressing that the "circumstance is at risk for spiraling into a significant emergency."
Source: The Indian Express