Rainbow Six Mobile, a mobile spin-off of Rainbow Six Siege, has been unveiled by Ubisoft. The business revealed in a blog post that they had formed an own team to work on the project and not divert resources from the main Rainbow Six Siege team.
The project will be led by a team of industry experts from AAA studios and mobile studios from the company's Montreal headquarters. They emphasised that this is a team that is completely focused on the project, and that the original Siege team is unaffected.
Read Also: Ubisoft is investing heavily on its support for Google Stadia.
"Siege gamers have nothing to worry about," according to the blog article. "The Siege development team is fully staffed and dedicated to their own fantastic game!"
Welcome Operators to Rainbow Six Mobile!
— Rainbow Six Mobile (@Rainbow6Mobile) April 5, 2022
Rainbow Six Mobile will bring the same tactical shooter gameplay that you love to your mobile devices.
Sign-up now to receive the latest updates and get a chance to play before the release 👇https://t.co/Jvbs6dHXau pic.twitter.com/gWjH2I2bSm