The xScreen application converts an Xbox Series S into a portable console.

The xScreen is an 11.6-inch (1080p) monitor that connects to the back of an Xbox Series S, transforming Microsoft's small console into more of a laptop-style gaming device. It's a contemporary spin on the tiny 5-inch cramped LCD panels we've seen linked to consoles in the past, and it's a perfect addition if you don't want to worry about connecting an Xbox to a TV while travelling.

Unfortunately, portability does not come cheap. The xScreen costs $249, which is about the same as an Xbox Series S, so you'll need to have a portable Xbox to invest in this. I've been trying an xScreen for a few weeks now, and I believe it's one of the greatest implementations of the portable console gaming concept. However, it is far from ideal.

The xScreen connects to the Xbox Series S through a USB-A connector and an HDMI port. Before the unit slips into position and is locked by latches on either side, you must first line up the USB. The attachment seems really solid. The only major drawback to playing outside is that you'll need a long enough wire to charge the Xbox Series S.

The xScreen connects to the Xbox Series S through a USB-A connector and an HDMI port. The xScreen is powered via the Xbox Series S USB connection, thus there is no need for a separate power supply, and merely attaching the Xbox to a wall works as usual. However, because the xScreen covers the Ethernet port and the extra USB port on the Series S, you'll have to rely on Wi-Fi for communication. Only the front-facing USB connection is available for extra gadgets. 

UPspec Gaming has also enabled an optional cross-hair overlay for usage in FPS games, as well as a slew of built-in controls for screen settings and speaker level. The speakers get uncomfortably loud – and not in a good way. There's no mute button, and the volume settings don't appear to have any effect after a certain level. The speakers are unquestionably the most disappointing feature of this $249 accessory.

Despite some of the xScreen's shortcomings, I've had a lot of fun with this small display. UPspec Gaming has designed something very unique for the Xbox Series S, and it comes in a beautiful compact packaging that integrates well. You're really paying a high $249 premium for that clever integration, especially since there are so many decent portable screens available for half the price.

However, nothing compares to the xScreen. It makes me want to be a child again, bringing my Xbox around with me and not having to worry about plugging it into a TV or having a decent internet connection for Xbox Cloud Gaming. It's an old-school concept wrapped up in a contemporary and well-executed packaging.

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