Apex Legends now broken on Steam Deck and Linux desktops despite being marketed as officially Steam Deck Verified by Valve.

Despite the fact that Apex Legends was officially Steam Deck Verified by Valve on March 9, it has since been modified and is no longer working on Steam Deck or Linux PCs.

What what is going on is still a mystery. There had been no prior announcement from any of the parties. Valve, Respawn (the developer), and Electronic Arts (the publisher) all remained mute. It just went through Deck Verified, demonstrating to the rest of the world that it functioned as intended on the Steam store and in your Steam Library on Deck. Now, a patch has been released that removes the Linux Easy Anti-Cheat file, causing the game to crash and inform you that it is not working.

This is quite aggravating. This isn't the first time people discussed Deck Verified concerns in articles and videos, and this doesn't help. Of course, there may be teething troubles with a new platform, but Apex is consistently in the Top 10 on Steam, and it isn't even a Top 100 title. Even though it's Deck Verified, to have it break like this? What exactly is going on?

It also raises other issues, such as how long does it take for a large game to be upgraded and then go through Deck Verified again to ensure it works? Is it true that smaller games must wait longer? The list of inquiries continues on and on.

Such a pity, because it quickly became one of my favourites and worked beautifully on Deck:

News Update: Apex Legends was fixed, EAC works again. 

Microsoft may add ads to the Windows 11 File Explorer.


  1. A Steam overlay can be disabled to improve the performance of your games. How to turn off Steam Overlay? Under Steam settings, select the In-Game tab, then uncheck "Enable Steam Overlay while in-game".

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